Friday, May 23, 2014

Exciting News in “MY WORLD of MUSIC” . . .


MBN 4-16-14 021This Memorial Day Weekend will be one to remember for me for sure.  After nearly 30 years since last playing live with a band other than a few Polka Bands that I played with in the 80’s doing weddings to make extra money for the overall family income, I am very excited to tell you that I am now playing in a Classic / Southern Rock Band that will be kicking off our first gig together on Saturday evening in Frederick, Maryland.

MBN 4-16-14 028AIt is a Memorial Day / Picnic-Party that is being sponsored by one of the local  Frederick neighborhoods.  This event will allow us to get a better handle on our sound levels when playing outdoors and just see how we feel playing together ‘LIVE’ outside of the basement environment where we practice each week.


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I consider myself extremely lucky to be playing with the likes of the musicians in our band.  They are as follows;

Ronnie Barrett 0011. Ronnie Barrett on Lead Guitar and Vocals (Lead & Back-Up).  Ronnie is a infamous shredder by the definition itself.  He lets his fingers do the walkin’ and the talkin’ as they say !!  You just have to hear him play.

Ken Smith 0012. Ken Smith on Acoustic (Martin) rhythm guitar, Harmonica & Lead Vocalist.  Ken is Da’ Man !!  His stage presence is like lightning and his voice is right on key.  He plays a mean Harmonica and makes his Martin sing whenever he strums that thing.

Erik Kaniecki 0013. Erik Kaniecki is our infamous Bass Player that also sings Back-Up.  He is a Rocker from the 80’s and makes his axe sound however we need it to sound from song to song.  Very versatile !!  He has a surprise for us coming up soon, he purchased a 5-string Bass by ESP that is currently being set-up with his signature GHS strings.  That bass will add another dimension to his playing for sure.

Eric Shultz 0014. Eric Schultz is on drums (percussion) and lays out one hell of a rock-steady beat for Erik and the rest of us to follow.  Eric is not a fancy drummer, doing tricks, spinning his sticks, etc.  Eric believes in being and staying on beat and keep the rest of us there with him.  He also is our resident sound engineer who sets-up and is responsible for our sound system.  He really knows what he’s doing with that equipment; I’ll give that !!

MBN 4-21-14 032 (3)5. Bob Janicki is playing Rhythm & Lead Guitar and Back-Up Vocals. I’ve been going under the name “MUSICIAN by Night” for the past 3-4 years now, doing nothing but recordings in my home studio and lots and lots of practicing with hopes of joining a band like this some day and that day has come !! 


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MBN 4-16-14 081AWe’ll be making a final decision on the name for our band in tonight's rehearsal so I will make that announcement in my next post.  If all goes well, we hope to be ready to start booking gigs in June.  Keep your eyes and ears open and you’ll soon hear all about us.

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